Buckle-Up Driving School was started in 2008 to meet the needs of students and older adults in providing the knowledge, tools and skills needed to become safe, and responsible drivers. We are licensed by the Idaho Driving Businesses Licensure Board and our curriculum includes all of the required curriculum components.
Thank you so much for putting on the drivers education class. I am so glad that I was able to get my permit. And please tell Mr. Brett I said "Thank you" and "Congratulations".
- Brandon M
"Dear Wayne, I would like to thank you, for helping me prepare for my future driving. The skills you passed on are something that could really one day save my life! Thank you taking the time to make a difference with helping young adults prepare for the responsibilities that come with driving. Thanks to you, I am going to be a better, safer driver!"
- Daneil G
"I took drivers education with Wayne Johnson, and I would recommend that you take driving school with him. He is serious, because he wants you to be a safe driver, but he makes things fun. I think he is a really good teacher. I have my drivers license, and I use a lot of what I learned to keep myself safe, and it helps me to be more aware of my environment and the people in it. Have a good time in learning how to be a good driver with Mr. Johnson."